The only size that matters to him is the size of his BUISNESS!!!

DAPPER DON always felt a calling for something greater no matter what he had, ever since he was young DAPPER DON longed for more, he longed for organised crime and to become a “GANGSTAR".

Pursuing this lead a young DAPPER DON to SLEEPY CITY, where he felt his true calling when he arrived in the ports of the city, and he worked tirelessly to try to make as much eggs as possible, at first through legal means but when he learned how profitable it was to operate a casino, he quickly gathered as many eggs as he could get his small gnome hands on, and despite the small size of his hands as for being a gnome, he had acquired lots of eggs. Enough to start a casino within the city (though the methods to do so were quite shady) named POTS O’ GOLD!

From here DAPPER DON began to recruit employees from the casino to help within his gang THREE WISE GUYS, and after enough time every employee of the casino was also a member of his gang! However his fledgling gang quickly began to run into conflict with a rival gang, that of HIGH TIDE, and the two got entangled in GANG BATTLES and they started to fight among themselves!!

DAPPER DON led THREE WISE GUYS through this chaotic period of the gangs history and the first out of SLOAN HARK and himself to agree to the BUSINESS truce, which is the current non-violent stalemate between THREE WISE GUYS and HIGH TIDE where the two compete in the casino business, running their respective casinos.